• Lice Treatments from $95 to $195
Asked Questions

Does Lice Fly Or Jump?

No, they don’t.

How Many Eggs Can A Female Lice Lay?

Ten to fifteen a day

Do Head Lice Cause Diseases?

No, but if the infestation is too large, it can lead to it.

Where Do Head Lice Feed From?

Human Blood(scalp)

How Long Can They Live In Water (Pools)?

They can hold their breath for up to 2 hours and live for up to 24 hours.

What Is The Life Spam Of The Head Lice?

Between 30 & 35 days

How Can I Get Head Lice?

The only way is by physical contact with another person, furniture, pools, hats, hair brushes, in general sharing personal items, etc.

Can My Pet Get My Head Lice?

No, it can’t. Neither we get theirs.

Can Adults Get Head Lice?

Yes, they can.

Can Boys With Short Hair Get Head Lice?

No, if extremely short but, head lice do not have a preference based on race, sex,age or skin color.

Do Visiting That Hair Salon Will Get Me Rid Of Lice?

No, you may get rid of the bugs, but the nits stayed on and will hatch with 7-10 days. Actually, you should be aware that some lice infestation can come from a hair salon.

Does Having Nits Mean That I Have Lice?

Most probable; This is the worst part of the treatment and in most cases treatments done at home are incomplete because the person is not able to remove every nit. 7 to 10 days after those nits are going to hatch and become new lice. Nits, you will never get rid of because they are so tiny that the combs that come with the pharmacy products can’t catch them, leaving them on your head means that the infestation is still going on and as a result the client will continue itching and at risk of an infestation which may lead to a systemic disease that may cost you more that a professional lice treatment with us.

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